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Dev Update: Client Cohorts and Batch Emails


We’re excited to announce the latest addition to our platform: Cohorts. This feature is designed to help you manage and segment your clients, allowing you to tailor your services and communications to specific groups of people.

With the addition of cohorts, it is only natural to enable you to send batch emails as well. You can now select multiple individual recipients, or an entire cohort to send a message to. This will save you time and effort when communicating with your clients, and allow you to reach them more efficiently.

What Are Cohorts?

Cohorts are groups of clients who share similar characteristics or behaviors. By creating cohorts, you can organize your clients based on various criteria, such as:

  • Demographics
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Purchase history
  • Engagement levels

This segmentation allows you to target your clients with more personalized and relevant content, improving their overall experience and increasing the likelihood of retention and satisfaction.

How Can Cohorts Benefit You?

Here are some ways in which cohorts can benefit your business:

1. Personalized Communication

By segmenting your clients into cohorts, you can tailor your communications to their specific needs and preferences. This personalization can help you build stronger relationships with your clients and increase engagement and loyalty.

2. Targeted Marketing

Cohorts allow you to target your marketing efforts more effectively by focusing on specific groups of clients. This targeted approach can help you optimize your marketing campaigns and improve your ROI.

3. Improved Client Retention

By understanding your clients’ needs and behaviors more deeply, you can provide them with more relevant and valuable services. This can lead to increased client satisfaction and retention rates.

How to Create Cohorts

Creating cohorts is quite easy on our dashboard. Simply navigate to the Cohorts tab on the Clients page and click on the Add new cohort button. After it’s created, you can start grouping clients by clicking on the cohort and selecting Add members.

With Cohorts Comes Great Responsibility

Cohorts are a powerful way to send batch emails to specific groups of clients, but before you start sending hundreds of emails each day, we recommend you to read up on the best practices of email domain warming up. If you want to learn even more after that, see our ultimate guide on cold emails.

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